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George Vithoulkas' Materia Medica Viva 1-12: The Ultimate Resource for Homeopaths - PDF Download

Materia Medica Viva: A Comprehensive Homeopathic Reference in 12 Volumes

If you are interested in homeopathy, you may have heard of materia medica viva, a monumental work by the renowned homeopath George Vithoulkas. This article will give you an overview of what materia medica viva is, why it is valuable, and how you can download it in pdf format for free.

What is Materia Medica Viva and Who is the Author?

Materia medica viva is a collection of 12 volumes that covers more than 2000 homeopathic remedies in detail. It is based on the clinical experience and observations of George Vithoulkas, a Greek professor of homeopathic medicine who is recognized as one of the leading figures in the revival of classical homeopathy in the 20th century.

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George Vithoulkas has been practicing and teaching homeopathy for over 60 years. He has authored several books, articles, and software on homeopathy, and has trained thousands of homeopaths and medical doctors around the world. He has also received numerous academic distinctions and awards, including the Right Livelihood Award (also known as Alternative Nobel Prize) in 1996 for his outstanding contribution to homeopathy.

Materia medica viva is the result of his lifelong dedication to homeopathy. It is not just a compilation of symptoms, but a living expression of the essence, personality, and pathology of each remedy. It also includes clinical cases, differential diagnosis, keynotes, modalities, relationships, and references to other sources. It is written in a clear, concise, and engaging style that reflects the author's deep understanding and passion for homeopathy.

What are the Main Features and Benefits of Materia Medica Viva?

Materia medica viva is a comprehensive and reliable source of information for anyone who wants to learn more about homeopathy and its remedies. Some of the main features and benefits of this work are:

  • It covers a wide range of remedies, from well-known polychrests to rare nosodes, sarcodes, imponderabilia, and new provings.

  • It provides a holistic view of each remedy, taking into account its physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and miasmatic aspects.

  • It offers a dynamic and vivid description of each remedy, using metaphors, analogies, comparisons, stories, and examples to illustrate its characteristics.

  • It presents a scientific and logical analysis of each remedy, based on its origin, history, chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, pathology, physiology, anatomy, and psychology.

  • It gives practical guidance on how to prescribe each remedy, considering its potency, dosage, frequency, repetition, antidote, aggravation, amelioration, duration of action, follow-up, and evaluation.

  • It shows the clinical efficacy and applicability of each remedy in various acute and chronic diseases, with real cases from the author's practice.

  • It helps to differentiate between similar remedies by highlighting their similarities and differences.

  • It updates and corrects some errors and misconceptions that exist in other homeopathic references.

  • It integrates the latest scientific research and discoveries that support or challenge homeopathy.

How can One Access the 12 Volumes in PDF Format?

Materia medica viva is available in print and digital formats. The print format is more expensive and may not be easily available in some countries. The digital format is more convenient and affordable, as you can access it from any device and read it anytime and anywhere. However, you may not want to spend money on buying the digital version, especially if you are not sure if you will like it or not.

Fortunately, there is a way to download the 12 volumes of materia medica viva in pdf format for free. You can use the following link to access a website that offers free downloads of various homeopathic books, including materia medica viva:

On this website, you can find the 12 volumes of materia medica viva listed under the author's name, George Vithoulkas. You can click on each volume to open it in a new tab, and then save it as a pdf file on your device. Alternatively, you can right-click on each volume and choose "Save link as" to download it directly.

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However, before you download the pdf files, you should be aware of some potential issues and risks. First of all, the quality and accuracy of the pdf files may not be guaranteed, as they may have been scanned or converted from other formats. Second, the website may not have the legal permission or license to distribute the pdf files, and you may be violating the author's or publisher's rights by downloading them. Third, the website may contain viruses, malware, or other harmful content that could damage your device or compromise your security.

Therefore, we recommend that you use this website at your own risk and discretion, and that you respect the intellectual property and ethical principles of homeopathy. If you like materia medica viva and find it useful, we suggest that you buy the official digital version from the author's website: . This way, you can support the author and his work, and also enjoy a better quality and updated version of materia medica viva.

A Brief Overview of Each Volume and Its Contents

Materia medica viva consists of 12 volumes that cover more than 2000 remedies in alphabetical order. Each volume has a different number of remedies, depending on their length and complexity. Here is a brief overview of each volume and its contents:

VolumeNumber of RemediesExamples of Remedies

119Abelmoschus, Abies Canadensis, Abies Nigra, Abrotanum, Absinthium, Aceticum Acidum, Aconitum Napellus, Actaea Racemosa (Cimicifuga), Actaea Spicata (Baneberry), Adonis Vernalis (Pheasant's Eye), Aesculus Hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut), Aethusa Cynapium (Fool's Parsley), Agaricus Muscarius (Fly Agaric), Agnus Castus (Chaste Tree), Ailanthus Glandulosa (Tree Of Heaven), Aletris Farinosa (Star Grass), Allium Cepa (Red Onion), Allium Sativum (Garlic), Alnus Glutinosa (Black Alder)

216Ammoniacum Gummi (Gum Ammoniac), Ammonium Benzoicum (Benzoate Of Ammonia), Ammonium Bromatum (Bromide Of Ammonia), Ammonium Carbonicum (Carbonate Of Ammonia), Ammonium Causticum (Caustic Ammonia), Ammonium Iodatum (Iodide Of Ammonia), Ammonium Muriaticum (Sal Ammoniac), Ammonium Phosphoricum (Phosphate Of Ammonia), Amygdalus Persica (Peach Tree), Amyl Nitrosum (Nitrite Of Amyl), Anacardium Orientale (Marking Nut), Anagallis Arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel), Anatherum Muricatum (Anatherum), Androctonus Amoreuxii Hebraeus (Scorpion), Angustura Vera (Angustura Bark), Antimonium Arsenicosum (Arsenite Of Antimony)

318Aralia Racemosa (American Spikenard), Aranea Diadema (Papal Cross Spider), Argentum Metallicum (Metallic Silver), Argentum Nitricum (Nitrate Of Silver), Arnica Montana (Leopard's Bane), Arsenicum Album ( White Arsenic), Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum (Hydride Of Arsenic), Arsenicum Iodatum (Iodide Of Arsenic), Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum (Sulphide Of Arsenic), Artemisia Vulgaris (Mugwort), Arum Dracontium (Green Dragon), Arum Triphyllum (Jack-In-The-Pulpit), Asa Foetida (Gum Of The Stinkasand), Asarum Europaeum (European Snake-Root), Asclepias Tuberosa (Pleuri


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